If life has felt a bit different for awhile, I’m here to remind you that it’s not just you. Our entire planet is ascending into the new world 5th dimension frequency that is changing how we feel, how we process, and how we sense what is around us. With your intuition in its awakening, I’ll show you how to ease into your 5th dimension experience so you can trust your inner guidance and leave behind all the 3rd dimensional garbage that’s holding you back.

00:00 Life Has Felt Different… 04:28 We’re Assimilating to New Senses 10:13 Tool 1: Empty the Garbage 11:39 Tool 2: Jumpstart Your Intuition 12:13 Tool 3: What You’ve Been Told VS Your Inner Sense 12:54 Tool 4: Trust Your Vibes 13:08 What is Your Experience with Your Intuition? 14:48 You Need to Hear This

So true !