Ascension is a jewel with many angles. It’s a longing for something that our subconscious strives to remember. A return to a state of inner and outer peace. But as grandiose a word as it is, it begins simply with being present in each moment and to lovingly guide yourself back when your mind wanders.

This song was tuned to A=444Hz/C=528Hz with 369Hz slightly amplified from the instruments in the mixing process.

What is 369Hz? Not to be confused with 396Hz, a Solfeggio frequency known to correlate with the root chakra. 369Hz is my ode to Nikola Tesla. In one of his more famous quotes: “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe. » In that he touched upon vortex mathematics and how it relates to frequency, specifically the 432Hz tuning scale. A bigger topic for a blog post perhaps. 😇❤️