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How to unlock your Third Eye Chakra! | The 6th Chakra | Sonia Choquette

The sixth Chakra is called « your third eye ». Your 6th chakra is the place where you get your intuitive clairvoyance, where you see things accurately. A lot people think it’s about seeing the future but it’s actually more about seeing into present accurately! Let’s see how to use your 6th chakra along with what can create blocks !

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Understanding the Heart Chakra Part 1 | Sonia Choquette

Sonia will talk in her next 4 videos all about the different parts of the heart chakra and how to open your 4 heart chakra chambers. Once you get all 4 parts to work, life becomes beautiful! Today we’ll be talking about the upper left heart chakra, aka your inner child! It’s time to dance, time to sing, and most importantly time to laugh !

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Improving A Troubled Relationship Using Your Intuition

Today I’m going to talk about how to use your intuition to improve a relationship that seems to be really stuck or not going well or just isn’t flowing the way you want. We all get into those; it might be with a significant other, it might be with a child, a coworker or an ex-partner. We’re going to run into these situations in life where no matter what or how hard we try, we’re just not communicating in any kind of productive, happy way. Why are we in it and how can we improve it?

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